Thursday, December 13, 2007

Day 20 - Scaling Mountains

Just this month and last month, I have encountered many challenges. For example, encouraging my uncle to finally receive his Gohozon was a challenge. For another example, keeping all YMDs in my area in the loop and encouraging all of them to participate 100% is a challenge still. However, persistence is the key. I believe if I follow up with sincerity and show by example, I will overcome these challenges and many more obstacles yet to come. I found this following quote from the Blog to go with my determination.

"In any earnest struggle, there come crucial challenges - mountains that must be scaled and conquered if we are to win. In Buddhist practice, too, we face such crucial challenges. If we hope to advance kosen-rufu and attain Buddhahood, then we must prevail over these mountains." (For Today & Tomorrow, Daisaku Ikeda)

Sean Hsu, North Puget Sound Young Men's Leader

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