Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 81 - Challenging Every Aspect

Hello. My name is Aisha Williams and I live in Oakland, Ca. I am honored to be a part of the West Territory leadership team. I also had the great pleasure of participating in the PNW Youth Soka Spirit Conference. GO PNW!!

How many people have something in their life they want to transform in the next 81 days? I personally want to transform every aspect of my life in the next 81 days. Is that possible? With this powerful Gohonzon, a great teacher, and a warm SGI family I know it is. President Ikeda says, “Each day is a new challenge. Each day is an opportunity to train and renew ourselves.”

I want to challenge every aspect of my life every day. I want to feel like Sensei and I are doing kosen rufu together all of the time. Why do I want to feel this way? I feel that it is the most joyful way to live as well as it is the guaranteed way for me to absolutely win.

In the Chubu Kansai poem, Sensei says – “When you unite your heart with a great teacher of kosen rufu strength will well forth and a path will be opened without fail. When your heart, your resolve is in sync with your mentor, you can manifest your inherent power and potential without limit”.

I don’t know if I can sync my heart with Sensei but I’m going to try my best. I want to see many paths open in my life. I know I am going to win from now until January 1st. I know Pacific Northwest Zone will win as well. Let’s all win together with our teacher Daisaku Ikeda.

Aisha Williams, Vice Territory Young Women's Leader

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