"Even an individual at cross purposes with himself is certain to end in failure. Yet a hundred or even a thousand people can definitely attain their goal, if they are of one mind." (WND-I, 618)
Everyday, I do my best to balance my work, my personal life and SGI activities, and it is a challenge to give 100% in everything. So, especially at these times, I think of this quote from the Gosho. When I'm divided in my focus, I don't seem to accomplish as much as I hoped. But by reading this quote and reminding myself that the unity of this organization starts with me, I find the energy to continue to challenge everything in my life by realizing unity in my own heart. So I will continue to chant wholeheartedly for the victory of Seattle Metro Region and strive to create unshakable unity starting with myself.
Yoji Konno
Seattle Area Young Men’s Leader
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