Addressing the Young Women in Tokyo Japan on December 13th, 1992 President Ikeda says, "The purpose of life is to attain happiness. Happiness is something that you feel inside. It is something you have to build for yourself. It is something that lives within you. That is why the state of your own inner realm, your life, is so crucial to being happy. Happiness is not in some far-off place. Happiness exists within your own life, within a single thought in your mind. You yourself are the most noble and precious of all. You have no need to be envious of anyone or to long for things far away. Faith and one's single minded desire to achieve kosen-rufu are what makes this "self" of yours shine its brightest and develop to it's greatest potential; they are what fill you with good fortune, satisfaction and eternal joy. This is the essence of true happiness. A palace exists within your own life. When you open that palace, you can be happy wherever you are." (Joy of Living, Selected Speeches of Pres. Ikeda for the YWD)
I received this book as a gift when I first began practicing...and after two and a half years of practice, I think I finally get it. I guess that's why practice makes perfect!
Since I've been back from the AMAZING Soka Spirit conference it seems as if nothing but everything has happened all at once, good and bad wrapped into three weeks of karmic backlash. And you know what? I LOVE IT! The challenges that are presented to me every day get me revved up and I truly enjoy sitting in front of my Gohonzon attempting to understand them. I feel happier than I have been in a long while. Now I am only looking forward; what can be done, what will I do, how can I do it!? I know now that with strong faith, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and courage I can do anything and I can open the palace within.
Courtney Crutcher, Yakima District Young Women's Leader
1 comment:
Everyone is so encouraging! To see your bright smile and to hear you have practiced only 2years, gives me a fortune baby great joy and hope. Thank you
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