SGI President Daisaku Ikeda
January 11, 2007
One year ago, I made the determination to change the course of my life. I was stuck and had reached a crossroads. I had been out of law school for over a year and was still not an attorney. I was so unhappy at work that I had quit my job, despite the fact that I had enormous bills and student loans to pay. I was feeling lost, confused, and struggled to make a strong determination. While attending the 2006 BSG FNCC Conference, I decided that I could no longer live my life this way. I began reading The Human Revolution, Sensei's guidance, and chanting vigorous daimoku. I was determined to be in rhythm with my Mentor, Daisaku Ikeda, to study, participate in activities, and to be dead serious about my life. Slowly but surely, I began to develop a strong sense of unshakeable confidence, that came from the depths of my life, that I could win over the challenges I was facing. I felt free.
After three pain-staking efforts, I was finally able to realize my goal of becoming a Washington State licensed attorney. Through the process, I learned humility, modesty, and appreciation. I was able to see the power of faith and the joy in having a mentor to overcome overwhelming odds to accomplish this goal. On May 5, 2007- I got the news: I had passed the Bar Examination.
I also am filled with appreciation because I was also able to land an amazing job where I feel challenged and appreciated, and now I can pay those enormous bills!
These are just two examples of benefits I received from practicing Buddhism. My life exploded with many benefits from practicing in the SGI this year. But even more, I was able to do, and continue to do, my human revolution. This has actually been the most crucial in developing a strong state of life and for me to become happy.
Because I struggled but was able to turn these struggles into a victory, I am very naturally able to share about how I overcame my struggles and adversity with my friends. My friends often ask me, Why are you so happy all of the time? And in turn, I ask myself, How can I help them so that they can unlock their potential? How can I empower my friends to feel the true joy of challenging problems and growing in life? Time and time again, the answer to these questions has been to share Buddhism with them.
I continue to have struggles, but I have the Gohonzon, Sensei, and the SGI- the catalysts for me to experience tremendous joy in my life.
I currently have four friends whom I am happily sharing Buddhism with. I am able to converse with them very naturally about Buddhism because I am able to share my joy and struggles honestly with them. The key has been sharing how I use this Buddhism to overcome adversity and create value. I am elated that my friends ask me about Buddhism, and it motivates me to deepen my understanding further.
I feel so much joy in sharing about Buddhism, my Mentor, and the SGI!
Irene Ishii, Pacific Northwest Zone Vice Young Women's Leader
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