President Ikeda teaches, “In the Daishonin’s Buddhism, attaining enlightenment is not about embarking on some inconceivably long journey to become a resplendent godlike Buddha; it is about accomplishing a transformation in the depths of one’s being. This revolutionary view of realizing enlightenment fundamentally changed the whole meaning of Buddhist practice as it was traditionally viewed.” “In other words, it is not a matter of practicing in order to scale the highest summit of enlightenment at some point in the distant future. Rather, it is a constant, moment-to-moment, inner struggle between the opposing courses of revealing our innate Dharma nature or allowing ourselves to be ruled by our fundamental darkness and delusion. This unceasing effort to polish our lives is the heart and essence of Buddhist practice.” (Daisaku Ikeda, Lectures on: On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime, p. 12)
My journey to discover my own Buddhahood started when I was a young child growing up in the SGI-USA. I struggled to share Nichiren Buddhism with my friends, first out of fear of being teased and then out of fear that maybe chanting could not in fact, solve every problem. Over the years of my Buddhist practice, I saw the power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and changed the impossible into possible over and over, but still I had doubt. I doubted my own Buddhahood, my own self-worth, and my ability to believe 100% in the Gohonzon. I was deadlocked. No one else was to blame, but the devilish functions in my life were winning and trying to stop me from being truly happy.
After I went to the Florida Nature & Culture Center (FNCC) this past December for the Behind the Scenes Conference, my life opened up and I was able to trust the Gohonzon 100%! I learned that when a problem or obstacle arises, “Don’t think. Just chant!” “Yes,” I thought, that was how I practiced Buddhism as a child. Why couldn’t I do that now as an adult? When I came home to Seattle from FNCC, I began to change my belief and prayer to the Gohonzon. I didn’t hesitate anymore to share Buddhism with anyone because I truly believed in the power of my own Buddhahood and the Gohonzon 100%!!!!
Before I went to FNCC I was able to bring my co-worker and new friend, Jeni, to a SGI District Meeting. I was so happy and I could tell that she was really happy to chant to the Gohonzon. In my heart, I knew that she would be my “first Shakabuku,” or person I would help become a member of the SGI and receive the Gohonzon. After I got back from FNCC, with my new prayer and attitude in faith, I encouraged my friend Jeni to receive the Gohonzon. I didn’t hesitate because I knew that by her receiving her own Gohonzon, she could become truly happy! I’m happy to share that Jeni received her Gohonzon on December 21st, 2007! I’m really enjoying helping her create a strong Buddhist practice and my life feels like a new beginning. Jeni is determined to establish a strong Buddhist practice in 2008 and become truly happy!
Together with Sensei, Jeni and I are going to work hard for Kosen-rufu and not hesitate to share this great philosophy of human life with the people of world!
Thank you Sensei! Thank you Jeni! Thank you to all of my SGI family!
Smiles, Angie Lead, Great Northwest Region Young Women’s Leader
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