"A passage from the Lotus Sutra reads that it is "the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand." Many hear about and accept this sutra, but when great obstacles arise, just as they were told would happen, few remember it and bear it firmly in mind. To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. But buddhahood lies in continuing faith. Those who uphold this sutra should be prepared to meet difficulties. It is certain, however, that they will "quickly attain the unsurpassed Buddha way." To continue means to cherish Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the most important principle for all the Buddhas of the three existences." (WND, 471)
Just recently I made the determination to join in the 100 days with Sensei to change my life around. I decided to be 100% positive and after making these goals many obstacle arouse. Challenging this negativity has at times made me question the validity of my practice. Within the past month I have realized that I never had a practice for myself, but only practiced to please the people around me. This gosho quote encouraged me to continue and to not retreat in my goals. The obstacles are occurring because I am making the determination to challenge MYSELF and to develop my practice. I am determined to stay positive and change my outlook as I progress towards January 2nd!
Mindy Thomas, Riverfront District Young Women's Leaders
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