practice (I propose twice monthly) and we do have one of these "Big" meetings, practices in themselves would not drag on for 4-8 hours and practice 5 days a week as the event gets closer, but it could be better spent on home visits in preparation for the event, or in unity building activities like bowling, baseball, obstacle courses, paint balling, or just a little convo at a restaurant or backyard BBQ. And being prepared in YPG should get us planning for theses big meetings way in advance instead of the usual month before, so we can develop a performance that's not just thrown together at the last minute.
We should have group leaders and MD/WD designated for each performing group so the burden of such task don't fall onto the shoulders of one or the region or chapter leader that showed up for the first meeting. We should have MD/WD be there to encourage and help out especially if they have experience in YPG or the performing arts.
Along side the MD/WD, have the YPG be a place where our youth (especially our younger youth) have something to connect to in the organization and develop courage, faith, and character which they can bring back to their districts.
David Baker, YPG Olympic Cascade Region Leader & Rainier Chapter Young Men's Leader
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