From the bottom of my heart, I express my most humble gratitude for your dedicated efforts toward development of the kosen-rufu movement in SGI-USA this past year. Thank you so much!!
With your sincere care and support, in 2007, more than 7000 Bodhisattvas of the Earth have joined our struggle, for the happiness of our planet, and for the sake of humanity, from our very own soil of America. We have made joyful progress with our youth leading the way, of course, with the men, women and pioneers doing the hard work behind the scenes, supporting and encouraging the youth. We have been able to see so many new capable people emerge from this joint effort. What a great cause for our future!
Both Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda are extremely happy about what you have created with your determination, prayer, and action this past year. Congratulations!!
Also, because of your many unseen efforts, our mentor is being honored and congratulated in American society as we celebrate an important hallmark this January 2, President Ikeda's 80th birthday.
We have received messages from US President Bush, many governors, congressional representatives including the State of Texas, which, by the way, will have an American flag flown over their capital on January 2 in honor of President Ikeda. We have also received from the mayors of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Tallahassee messages including invitations for Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda to visit the US. Many other mayors, university representatives and community leaders have also sent wonderful messages congratulating President Ikeda. How truly fortunate we are to have such a mentor!!
The SGI Theme for 2008, The Year of Capable People and Development, begins with each one of us starting with our own development as the first step. With this as the basis of our expansion, let's strengthen our hearts and prayer to welcome Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda to SUA!
President Ikeda writes in his New Year's message, "It is important that we strive for kosen-rufu with the strong and determined spirit to make even greater efforts with every passing year of our Buddhist practice. When we advance with faith based on this spirit of 'true cause' - the spirit of always moving forward from this moment on - capable people will appear and grow and kosen-rufu will develop exponentially."
Sensei is sharing with us how to advance in 2008. Let's respond to our mentor's call and grow exponentially!!! Congratulations once again & Happy New Year!!
Danny Nagashima
SGI-USA General Director